The logo, a cartoon of an observatory in front of a mountain, with a star above
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Job Data

Job ID J235124
Request IDs R520928 R520001 R519110 R519109 R519108
R518953 R517352
Object Type COMET
Object ID C/2014 E2 (Jacques)
Exposure Time 120000 ms
Filter Type None
Dark frame Instant
Site Name Tenerife
Telescope Type NameGalaxy
Telescope Name Galaxy Camera
Request Time 22:27 on Tuesday 29 July 2014 (21:27:03 UTC)
Completion Time 01:25 on Thursday 21 August 2014 (00:25:58 UTC)
Status Success

Gallery Image

Image id 137517

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Gallery Data

Gallery image submitted by: 3ea1e3c7b0141e5cc38f95cb97613644 (Int User)
Gallery image submit time: 15:31 on Thursday 21 August 2014

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