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Latest Tenerife Weather Information

Other weather information at the observatory site.

Weather information as of: 22/10/24 17:44:41

Average wind speed 14.39 km/h
Wind direction 37 °
External temperature 13.28 °C
External humidity 26 %
Star count 0
Cloudbase 3518 m
Raining No

weather 22.5 hours ago was windy weather 19.5 hours ago was windy weather 16.5 hours ago was windy weather 13.5 hours ago was windy weather 10.5 hours ago was windy weather 7.5 hours ago was cloudy weather 4.5 hours ago was cloudy weather 1.5 hours ago was cloudy

Graph of wind speed for the last 24 hours

The lines indicate the wind speed values averaged over 10 minutes.
The dotted lines show the minimum and maximum values recorded in the sample intervals.

Graph of wind direction for the last 24 hours

The line indicates the wind direction averaged over 10 minutes.
The dotted lines show the minimum and maximum values recorded in the sample intervals.

Graph of temperature for the last 24 hours

The line indicates the temperature values averaged over 10 minutes.
The dotted lines show the minimum and maximum values recorded in the sample intervals.

Graph of humidity for the last 24 hours

The line indicates the humidity values averaged over 10 minutes.
The dotted lines show the minimum and maximum values recorded in the sample intervals.

Graph of star count for the last 24 hours

The line represents the number of stars reported by the all sky camera averaged over 10 minutes.
The dotted lines show the minimum and maximum values recorded in the sample intervals.

Graph of cloud cover for the last 24 hours

The line represents the cloud sensor's detection of cloud.
The dotted lines show the minimum and maximum values recorded in the sample intervals.

Graph of rain for the last 24 hours

Blue areas on the graph indicate rain at that time.

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